How to Effectively Monitor Your Brand’s Online Presence

| Marketing Strategy | 4 Min Read

Monitoring your brand is all about understanding what people think of and say about your brand, ideally, right as it gets posted, so you can ensure your brand is being spoken about in the way you want it to be; and if it’s not, then you’ll know early enough to be able to counter it.

When to Build Virtual Staging into Your Listing Marketing Plan

| Marketing Strategy | 3 Min Read

While professionally staging a property is certainly a good idea, recently, with the ongoing push to digital and more buyers starting their search online rather than in person, virtual staging has become an increasingly popular option.

How and Why to Build Buyer Personas For Your Marketing Strategy

| Marketing Strategy | 5 Min Read

Without knowing specifically who you’re marketing to, you won’t be able to put together a successful marketing strategy that gets results. But in some cases, it might make sense to be more specific and drill-down a bit further than just defining a general target audience, and that’s where creating buyer personas comes in.

How to Deal With (and Remove) Fake, Negative Google Reviews

| Marketing Strategy | 6 Min Read

Getting a negative review that ruins the 5 star rating you’ve put so much work into getting in the first place is bad enough, but getting a fake negative review is even more frustrating.

Getting A Basic Understanding of Your Real Estate Website’s Analytics

| Marketing Strategy | 4 Min Read

If you’ve logged into Google Analytics, you probably were overwhelmed, but just having a basic understanding of a few of the key metrics will give you enough information to know how your website is performing.

Why Your Target Audience Shouldn’t Be Anyone and Everyone

| Marketing Strategy | 3 Min Read

When asked about who their target audience is, a lot of agents will say: anyone and everyone. But likely not true that it’s anyone and everyone, and more importably, it’s the wrong approach to take.

Why Most Real Estate Websites Fail to Deliver Results

| Marketing Strategy | 5 Min Read

By itself, a website is not magic no matter who builds it or what they promise you. Building a website with a strong digital strategy behind it and an even stronger marketing strategy isn’t easy, but it is extremely effective if done right.

The Components of a Modern Listing Marketing Strategy

| Marketing Strategy | 4 Min Read

Nowadays, your listing marketing strategy is all about making potential buyers feel like they’re actually there, when in fact, they could be miles away and may never even see the property in person.

How to Choose a Hosting Company for Your Real Estate Website

| Marketing Strategy | 3 Min Read

Most people will just choose the cheapest option when it comes to website hosting, but price should be one of the least important factors when you’re making a decision about where to host your website.

Why You Need an External Link Building Strategy for Your Real Estate Website

| Marketing Strategy | 4 Min Read

A solid, well-rounded SEO strategy is made up of a lot of moving parts, and one key element of it is your link building strategy, which involves building the number of inbound links to your website.

Marketing Techniques to Market Your Listings Online

| Marketing Strategy | 4 Min Read

Now more than ever, your ability to market a listing successfully online can directly contribute to you actually getting the listing or not.

Why You Should Never Stop Building Your Email Marketing Database

| Marketing Strategy | 3 Min Read

As a real estate agent, and a marketer, one of the goals of your marketing plan should be to build your email marketing database; and truthfully, you should never, ever stop building it.

Why You Should Promote Your Blog Posts on Social Media

| Marketing Strategy | 4 Min Read

If you want more people to see your blog posts, you should consider promoting them on your social media profiles. Here’s what you need to know about how to do it effectively.

Planning a Successful Content Strategy for Your Real Estate Website

| Marketing Strategy | 4 Min Read

Writing all of the content for a website is already overwhelming, but writing content that captures your voice, appeals to your target audience, and convinces the user to take an action so you get a conversion, is even more difficult.

How To Monitor Your Competition’s Digital Strategy, To Improve Your Own

| Marketing Strategy | 5 Min Read

if you’re investing in digital strategy, then it makes sense to plan some aspects of your strategy around what your competition is doing online and apply it to your own strategy.