| Marketing Strategy 5 Min Read

Whether it’s website content, a blog, a social media post, or a piece of print marketing, you want your team’s voice to be authentic to who you are.

If a potential client reads a piece of content from your team and thinks, ‘Hey, they sound like someone I’d love to work with!’ only to meet you in person and not feel that same connection, you can quickly lose their business.

1. Don’t Be Afraid To Get Personal

In a highly-saturated market like real estate, you don’t want to be just another name or face in the crowd.

Determining your voice starts with analyzing what makes you different as an agent. Then, leveraging that difference to create a one-of-a-kind brand promise and voice.

How have your passions or experiences shaped your approach to real estate? What do you bring to the table that no one else does?

Lean into your niche expertise, your lifelong passion for sports, your love of design, or your sailing hobby.

Determining a clear, unique edge will help you establish a stand-out brand, market yourself more easily, and provides the blueprint for a unique voice.

2. Speak To Your Target Audience

Finding your target audience is the next step in crafting a unique voice. After all, they’re who you’re speaking to.

If you’re trying to attract fun-loving millennial condo buyers in the downtown core, your copy might read something like:

Consider us your own personal real estate Google! Shoot us a text at 555-555-5555 and you’ll hear back from us in no time. No, really — we pretty much always have our phones in-hand.

Casual language, exclamation marks, and a bit of cheekiness can work for this team and target market.

But what if you’re a team with 30 years under your belt, targeting a high-end market of downsizers? That same language doesn’t work for your target market, and more than likely, it doesn’t sound like you.

Instead, you’d want to shift the tone to something like:

Your largest investment, handled with swift and constant care. For seasoned guidance you can bank on, reach out to The Example Team at 555-555-5555. We look forward to helping you achieve your next real estate goal, together.

It’s more formal and more focused on the expertise that a high-end client would look for.

These aren’t the only two voices that work for these markets. Many overlap or differ depending on the specific team, market, area, and goals.

3. Choose a Point Of View

It may seem like a small thing, but writing in first- or third-person can have a huge impact on how someone feels when they read your content.

Let’s take a look at the difference it makes.

First-person: We’ll guide you through the selling process, using our expertise to earn you top dollar for your home.

Third-person: The Example Team will guide you through the selling process, using their expertise to earn you top dollar for your home.

While the message is the same, the use of third-person narration detaches the connection between the team and the client, making it feel impersonal.

This can work for companies that don’t want to put a face to their brand name, but in real estate, developing a personal connection right away helps cement trust and familiarity.

Using first-person language allows you to speak directly with the reader and makes them feel like they’ve already talked with you and know you.

4. Pay Attention To The Details

From the words you choose to the punctuation you use, the way you’re perceived by someone online often comes down to the details in your writing.

Your tone can go informal or formal; humorous or serious. You can use exclamation marks! Or, you can avoid them altogether.

Don’t wanna seem stuffy? Use contractions, slang, or somethin’ a bit more chill.

You may want to stay professional and attract a mature, results-focused clientele. There are plenty of ways you can achieve your goals through your tone and voice.

All of these (seemingly) small details add up quickly to create a unique voice.

5. Deter As You Attract

The beauty of content that’s targeted to a specific audience in your unique voice is that, to an extent, it filters clients for you.

Just like you want to attract a specific type of client with your content, you want to deter anyone who you wouldn’t want to work with.

This saves time on both ends, leading you and that client to find better-suited business matches.

If you want to work with everyone and anyone, then taking a safe, middle of the road approach to content (read: no personality or unique angle) might be okay.

But wouldn’t you rather work with a client, or in a market, or in a neighborhood, that actually speaks to you?

5 Questions to Ask Yourself Now

1. How do my background, experience, or passions make my approach to real estate unique?

2. Who do I want to speak to in my writing? (Who is my ideal client?)

3. How do I naturally communicate with others in a professional setting? (Take a look at your past social media content or even emails and texts with clients. What messages are you sharing time and time again? What resonates?)

4. What are 3 words that describe how I want my clients to feel when they read my content?
– Excited? Give it some e-n-e-r-g-y! Make it quick. Snappy. Ready? Let’s get started!
– Calm? Let’s take this one step at a time. Our team will be right there beside you, no matter what.
Confident? With 20+ years of expertise behind us, we know what it takes to get you ahead.

5. What content do I like? (It doesn’t have to be a real estate team — any brand, company, or personality that produces content you gravitate to can say a lot about what your own voice should be, especially if your target market is the same.)

Want to drive traffic, build your brand, and engage your target audience? Download our eBook: ‘The Ultimate Guide to Real Estate Marketing’. It’s a collection of some of our best marketing articles, tips, and tricks that we’ve collected over the years.
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