Lead Generation June 16, 2020 3 min read

Can Downloadable Content Boost Your Conversion Rate?

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You may think the purpose of offering downloadable content is to get a user’s contact information. And while that may be part of the purpose, it’s not all of it.

What it really comes down to is providing quality content that builds trust — which leads to conversions.

If a user receives downloadable content from your team and it’s not helpful or providing unique expertise, yes, you still get their contact information — but they won’t trust you enough to respond or take any next steps.

The more effective approach is to provide practical, tailored information that builds trust and keeps you top-of-mind for their next transaction.

Cater to Convert

Downloadable content is especially impactful with users at the research stage; those who are thinking about transacting and are either looking for more information on the process, trying to choose which agent to work with, or both.

This is the perfect time to offer them the practical, insightful information that they’re looking for and to make that connection.

While their actual transaction may be months or even years away, if they’ve received helpful information from you, and better yet, have kept it around as a resource, you’re more likely to be top-of-mind once they’re reading to take the next step.

The Results

Here’s an example from one of our clients, who we’ll call Client A.

Client A is a top-producing team in the US that offers several downloadable content products on their website, all tailored to their specific audiences.

They’ve crafted downloadable guides for first-time buyers, downsizers, move-up clients, and sellers — all of which have high conversions rates that range between 0.4% under to 7.6% over the industry average, totalling over 100+ form entries from users.

That’s over 100 leads, and over 100 clients who are looking for the exact information they’re supplying.

By writing high-quality, targeted content, and making it readily available for their audience, they’ve garnered a huge amount of potential business.

What Content Should You Create?

At the end of the day, this all comes down to your target audience and service offerings. But one rule remains the same: Make your content useful and relevant.

  • Worksheets: Working with first-time buyers, downsizers, or another niche market? Audiences that need more hand-holding can benefit from worksheets. It allows them to work through their current mind frame, situation, and goals, and provides you with an in-depth look into what they need, in turn helping you serve them better.
  • Checklists: Practical and straightforward, checklists for buyers and sellers are an easy way to help users feel more at ease about the process and see how helpful your guidance and services are. Whether it’s a pre-listing or post-move list, cater it to your area and market to make it impactful.
  • Guides: The downloadable content you provide should be an investment and feel valuable to the user, from the graphics to the layout to the content itself. This is where you should dive into the nitty-gritty of the process. Your website should be a tasting menu, whereas your downloadable guides should be a full-course meal.

Downloadable content can boost your conversion rate when crafted with information made for your target audience, produced with expert care, and shared through the right promotional channels.

At the end of the day, you want a user to receive your content and feel informed, helped, and advised by an agent they can trust.

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