| Marketing Strategy 5 Min Read

Right now, AI-generated content seems to be everywhere. And it can become pretty easy to rely on it too, as it provides a convenient, simple way to speed up your content production so you can create more content in less time. Sounds great, right?

But does this convenience come at the expense of your SEO strategy? If everyone is just using AI to pump out content at record speeds, how will search engines react, and how will it affect your overall SEO strategy?

When it comes to AI-generated content, there are a lot of questions and things to consider before you use it (especially if you have a strong, long-term SEO strategy in place).

As long as you are posting content on a regular basis, does it really matter whether it was written by a human or by AI? The answer is, no.

But, does relying on AI-generated content negatively impact your SEO strategy? The answer is definitely: maybe.

And that’s because, to search engines like Google, it doesn’t really matter who wrote the content; all that matters is that it’s considered to be high-quality, well-written content that people engage with and that brings value to their search. If the content you’re producing isn’t considered by search engines to be high-quality, it won’t rank in search results no matter who wrote it.

★ Want to learn more about building a content strategy? Have a look at these posts:

From a search and SEO perspective, high-quality content is content that consistently meets Google’s EEAT metric (which stands for: Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and most importantly, Trust).

  • “Experience” means your content demonstrates first-hand experience and/or knowledge about a topic.
  • “Expertise” means your content is produced by a knowledgeable source that has relevant experience to write about that topic.
  • “Authoritativeness” means your content is produced by an authoritative source with a good reputation in their respective industry.
  • “Trustworthiness” is an overall aggregate of the previous 3, and works towards proving that your content is reliable, transparent, and accurate.

★ Want to learn more about EATT? Have a look at this post called: Why Building Trust is a Key Part of a Successful SEO Strategy.

So, is AI-generated content considered high-quality content that will consistently meet EEAT on its own? In most cases, the answer is no. While AI can produce content quickly, it doesn’t do enough to meet EEAT, at least out of the box.

For example, if your approach is to tell an AI model to: write a 1500-word blog post about the top things to know about selling a home in the Winter, and you simply copy-and-paste the AI-produced content into your website and click publish, are you producing high-quality content that meets EEAT and contributes to your overall SEO strategy?

Definitely not. If you produce content that way, just to get content created quickly and easily, you might as well not be creating content at all. AI-generated content is simply that: content; and there’s a big difference between content and high-quality content optimized for search, which needs some input from a human as part of a larger strategy.

Here’s where AI-generated content can fall short:

1. Meeting Brand and Voice: While AI can produce content quickly, it tends to also produce it a bit generically, leaving you with content that often needs to be rewritten and adjusted to match your brand’s tone of voice so it sounds like it was written by you. If not, there’ll be a big disconnect with your audience, and your content can come off as lazy and inauthentic, which can definitely reduce your metrics and negatively contribute to your overall SEO strategy.

2. Providing Current Content: As of right now, most AI-generated content has some limited time history, so while it might be able to produce generic content, if you need content that’s specific with up-to-date information, you probably won’t get a good, qualitative result.

3. Optimizing for Search: On its own, AI-generated content won’t be optimized for SEO, at least not in a technical sense. AI may be able to generate content that is “optimized” for a specific keyword or keyphrase, but it won’t know if those keywords are popular searches worth trying to rank for, or even if you have any chance of ranking for them at all (which is a core part of your larger SEO strategy).

4. Not Understanding the Broader SEO Strategy: Even though there are some AI tools that take content production a step further by helping you create content optimized for keywords, it won’t be in connection with your broader SEO strategy because AI won’t know what that is. Creating a long-term, successful SEO strategy requires someone with SEO experience to look at and guide your overall, day-to-day strategic SEO plan, particularly when it comes to content planning, production, and optimization.

★ Want to learn more about building an SEO strategy? Have a look at these posts:

So, How Can You Use AI in Your Content Strategy?

Even though the majority of the content that’s produced by AI won’t meet EEAT standards for Google on its own, you can still gain some benefit from using it in your content processes. For example, you could use AI to help brainstorm topic ideas.

You could prompt AI to give you 25 blog topic ideas about real estate in your city, and chances are, it will provide you with something that will trigger an ‘ah-ha’ moment that could be a really great blog idea for your strategy.

Or, if you have a general topic in mind, but aren’t sure where to begin to figure out how to get started writing it, you could use AI to help organize your points and create a blog outline that you can then fill in on your own. Using AI in your content strategy is kind of like trusting a GPS when driving, you can use it as a guide, but you still want to be in the driver’s seat.

When it comes to building a solid SEO strategy that gets results, producing high-quality, engaged content is a critical component of seeing success.

And while there are a lot of different AI tools that can help with content production, using them, without any modification, can certainly negatively affect your SEO strategy; not because of who wrote them, but rather, how they were written if it wasn’t in part of a larger, successful SEO strategy.

With up to date marketing trends relevant to today’s market, our report is a selection of curated content, information, and data that will give you an outline of what’s working right now in real estate marketing.
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