| Marketing Strategy 3 Min Read

In real estate, there’s rarely a shortage of leads. The place where most agents struggle is attracting those leads; especially high-quality, targeted leads. There’s a variety of things you can do from a marketing perspective to attract more quality leads, which one of the most effective avenues for real estate agents and teams is through content marketing.

When you pay specific attention to your content, you will automatically start to attract a more interested audience that is ready to support your message and buy (or sell) with you.

Here are a few of our top tips for using your content to attract better leads:

Craft a Compelling Story

When it comes to written content, the first thing writers are taught is to “show, don’t tell.” This is a key insight to keep in mind with all your written content. Website content, blogs, listings; all of your written material should paint a visual picture for whoever is reading it, and it should show the reader what they need to see with clear and concise information. However, it should also evoke an emotion or a better sense of who you are as a business. The language you use on your website and print materials should give your audience an idea of your business vision and values. And from there, they can decide whether or not your message resonates with their values.

When you start to pay attention to the language you are using in your content, you will notice more people visiting your site whose personal values line up with your own and who are closer to your ideal buyer persona.

Always Be Authentic on Social Media

Social media is an excellent tool for real estate teams, and you should consistently post and comment on social channels to maintain your visibility and reach a wider audience. The trick with this is knowing what to post. Take a look at the things you’ve posted in the past and make a note of what gets the most likes/comments. This is the type of content your audience likes to see. Don’t just use social media as a tool to post your listings. It needs to be more multifaceted. Many leads will check your website and then check your social media to see what kind of person you are.

Don’t be afraid to let your personality shine through. In real estate, clients want to know who you are, and they will have more brand loyalty if they associate your company with a likeable person rather than just a nameless, faceless business.


One of the most significant problems that real estate teams face is inconsistent marketing or lead generating efforts. You might feel overcome with an idea for a big marketing push, but you also must work on consistent marketing efforts.

Do you send out a monthly newsletter? Do you mail out postcards every quarter? When it comes to these efforts, consistency is critical.

In our last client interview, we spoke with Michael Rice who told us all about the importance of producing top-quality content on a regular basis. According to him, your website and content strategy is a moving target that you should update and revise regularly.

Uniform Branding

From a marketing perspective, having a compatible brand across all your materials is one of the most critical factors in how your brand is perceived. A brand is more than just a logo. It’s your color scheme, your fonts, everything. Your brand is the first thing people see, and it’s the first indicator of what kind of business you are and who your target audience is. When you have strong and consistent branding across all your marketing materials, it will reinforce your position in the marketplace and help attract the types of clients you want to draw.

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