| Marketing Strategy 3 Min Read

Return on investment or ROI is a term used to describe the value something has for its cost. For example, a marketing strategy with a low cost that attracts a lot of new leads would have a high ROI. When it comes to anything we are spending money on, we want a high ROI. From buying a house to buying a new pair of pants. You want the return on investment to be in your favor.

So what types of marketing have the best ROI? Let’s take a look.

Content Marketing

Producing top-quality content is one of the most effective and inexpensive ways to improve your brand recognition and become an authority within your industry. Blogs, website content, videos, and emails are just a few examples of ways your content can inspire your audience to work with you. When drafting content for your digital or print strategy, you should always consider the target audience and use language and visuals that will attract that type of client. Take a look at our past blog about cohesive branding or using your website to attract qualified leads. It’s important to create content that is relevant to your target demographic and that positions yourself as a community expert. Neighborhood guides, blogs about buying or selling, seasonal content, it’s all important to stay relevant and stay front of mind with your audience.

Your content should essentially be a cornerstone that you base all other marketing on.

If you’re not a writer, these tasks can be outsourced for relatively inexpensively, and most blogs and email content can be scheduled in advance, so you don’t have to spend much time publishing.


Organic search engine optimization is the method used to make sure your web pages rank high on search engine results. When you incorporate certain keywords that relate to your business, it will make it easier for people to search for you and your site will appear to be more authoritative since it will rank higher. A good SEO strategy incorporates these keywords into the content in a natural way. It should never read like the keywords are getting stuffed into the content in an unnatural way. SEO is an essential part of any digital marketing strategy. If you want people to see your website, you need SEO. It’s also something that is almost always working in the background and only requires small tweaks to continue its effectiveness, making it extremely valuable in terms of ROI.

Paid Search

One of the things that gives paid search such good ROI for marketers is the fact that you can completely control how much you spend versus the return you get. Paid search describes the method used when marketers create sponsored posts on search engines or through third-party sites like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram. You can hyper-target your audience so your paid posts only show up for the people you want, and you can cater your campaigns to stop once you’ve reached a certain budget.

Social Media

For a real estate agent, social media is one of the most valuable tools. Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are the three main platforms you should be involved in. These are the best ways to reach potential leads. It’s one of the fastest and most effective ways to reach your target audience. The key to getting a good ROI on social media is to post consistently and manage your time. Use a scheduling software like Buffer or Hootsuite to schedule posts in chunks so you aren’t spending too much time on posts.

Investing in Facebook or Instagram ads is also a good option to explore, and these features let marketers choose specific budgets and measure the results based on the budget you choose so you can spend as much or as little as you like.

However, keep in mind that if you want amazing results from these types of boosted posts, you should do a really detailed job in defining the audience. That way, your ads are reaching the right people who are most likely to click your links and engage with your business.

Email Marketing

Despite what some people think, email marketing is not dead. In fact, reaching database regularly and engaging with them often is the key to getting more referral business. Emails are also a relatively inexpensive way to reach your database. The approach is direct, and many CRMs now offer either free or inexpensive options for their software. With this approach, you are communicating directly with clients, but keep in mind that in order for your message to resonate, the content must be good and have value for your readers.

When it comes to getting a solid ROI on your marketing efforts, the key is consistency. Consistent posting, emailing, and a unified brand identity are valuable features that will help you gain momentum and grow your business.

Want to drive traffic, build your brand, and engage your target audience? Download our eBook: ‘The Ultimate Guide to Real Estate Marketing’. It’s a collection of some of our best marketing articles, tips, and tricks that we’ve collected over the years.

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