Why Your Website and Your Marketing Strategy Go Hand-in-Hand

| Marketing Strategy | 5 Min Read

Building a great website is only 50% of a successful digital strategy. The other 50% is your marketing strategy, or rather: how you’re going to get your website in front of the right people, at the right time, for the right reasons. And to see success, the two definitely have to go hand-in-hand.

Building a Long-Tail Real Estate Keyword Strategy

| Inbound Marketing | 6 Min Read

One of the most effective marketing strategies is to focus on a more specific, targeted niche in mind, which allows you to appear more specialized and more focused – and a great way to do that is by building a long-tail real estate marketing strategy. Doing so allows you to build a marketing strategy that’s a lot more specific, but also allows you to attract the right types of leads, that are often ready to convert sooner.

Creating a People-Powered, People-First Content Strategy

| Marketing Strategy | 5 Min Read

With AI being pretty much everywhere, and automating things all around us, it’s easy to forget one of the other most important parts of your content strategy: people. To see the most success in your content strategy, it should produced by people, for people. To be successful, you have to put people first.

Building and Managing a Real Estate Content Lifecycle Plan

| Marketing Strategy | 6 Min Read

Your content operations plan is the combined, thought-out plan that allows you to build and maintain your overall content lifecycle, and having one in place goes hand-in-hand with a successful digital strategy.

Why Building Trust is a Key Part of a Successful SEO Strategy

| Marketing Strategy | 7 Min Read

To build a solid SEO strategy that gets results, you need to be trusted. How trustworthy you and your website appear is a big factor that determines if your website will perform well in search, and ultimately, if your target audience will find you online.

The Power of Specialization in a Low Listings Market

| Marketing Strategy | 5 Min Read

The key to succeeding in a more competitive market is to first, differentiate yourself from your competitors as much as you can. If you look, sound, and focus on the same things every other agent does, there are less reasons as to why someone would want to reach out to you for their next transaction. But no matter what the market does, there’s always an opportunity, and right now, those opportunities are in specialization.

Optimizing Your Content for Humans (And Not Just for Search Engines)

| Inbound Marketing | 5 Min Read

There’s much more to writing quality content than just quickly jotting down a few thoughts; quality content needs to be meaningful and valuable for the people you want to attract, otherwise they just won’t.

How to Build an Online Presence Strategy for Your Real Estate Brand

| Marketing Strategy | 5 Min Read

How you are appear online, and the strategy you have in place to control it, is called: your online presence. In the past, this was relatively simple to control this because there weren’t too many moving parts to manage, but that has drastically changed.

Using Personalized Marketing to Get Better Engagement (and Leads)

| Marketing Strategy | 5 Min Read

In real estate marketing, it really pays off to make people feel like they’re heard and understood; and doing so effectively can help you get much better results from your marketing efforts, and eventually, turn your contacts into contracts.

Understanding SEO Titles and Meta-Descriptions on Your Real Estate Website

| Marketing Strategy | 5 Min Read

As an agent planning a basic SEO strategy, one of your focuses of your SEO strategy should be customizing your SEO titles and meta-descriptions so you can attract the right people, at the right time, for the right reasons.

Understanding Your Competition as a Real Estate Agent

| Marketing Strategy | 4 Min Read

Many different agents working in many different markets are all working towards the same goal of selling and buying properties and winning new business. But are they really competing for the exact same business each time?

How Case Studies Can Boost Your Online Review Strategy

| Marketing Strategy | 3 Min Read

You already know that as a real estate agent, you need a solid online review strategy in place as part of your overall digital strategy, but that shouldn’t stop at just Google reviews and LinkedIn recommendations, even if you do have a lot of them. Here’s how case studies can help.

How Building Social Proof Gets You More Business

| Inbound Marketing | 5 Min Read

There are a lot of different ways people will determine if they’re going to reach out to you or not, but a big part of their decision will likely come from looking at the experience others have had working with you, which is called social proof.

How to Launch a Successful Real Estate Marketing Campaign

| Marketing Strategy | 5 Min Read

As part of your marketing strategy, you’re probably doing a lot of things to generate leads, get new business, and make more people know about you and what you do, but launching a marketing campaign is outside of that. So, what’s the difference?

How to Make Outsourcing Social Media Work For Agents

| Marketing Strategy | 4 Min Read

If you take a look at an agent’s Instagram or Facebook account that someone else is managing, you can usually tell they’re outsourcing it. Their feeds are usually filled with the typical type of content that isn’t very personal: quotes, blog posts, etc.