What it Takes to Build a Solid Content Marketing Strategy

| Inbound Marketing | 5 Min Read

As part your inbound real estate marketing strategy, you should have a content marketing strategy built in to help expand your reach so more people know about you, your brand, and your business.

Building a Real Estate Solutions-Based Marketing Messaging Strategy

| Marketing Strategy | 4 Min Read

It’s easy to focus on talking about yourself, and there’s no doubt that it works and people do respond to it. But another (more increasingly popular) approach to take is to focus on the solution you’re providing, rather than you and the transactions you’ve done.

Building a Real Estate Marketing Stickiness Strategy

| Marketing Strategy | 5 Min Read

A good stickiness strategy ensures that people are continually reminded that you and your business exist, with the goal that when they’re ready to make a real estate decision, they’ll reach out because they remember you.

Building a Marketing Discoverability Strategy

| Marketing Strategy | 5 Min Read

Your marketing discoverability strategy is how your target audience first discovers you; it’s how you get your marketing to reach the people you want to work with, for the first time.

Real Estate Marketing Strategies to Embrace in 2024

| Marketing Strategy | 12 Min Read

Continued investment in your marketing strategy is continued investment in your business. As you plan for 2024, here are some of the things you might want to consider building into your own overall marketing strategy

Using Familiarity in Your Marketing Strategy to Get More Business

| Inbound Marketing | 5 Min Read

People work with people that they like, but they also work with people that they’re reminded of and feel a connection to, which ultimately, takes time to build. That means that if an agent doesn’t continually remind people that they exist, it’s almost as if they don’t. That’s where building familiarity into your marketing strategy can help.

The Power of Specialization in a Low Listings Market

| Marketing Strategy | 5 Min Read

The key to succeeding in a more competitive market is to first, differentiate yourself from your competitors as much as you can. If you look, sound, and focus on the same things every other agent does, there are less reasons as to why someone would want to reach out to you for their next transaction. But no matter what the market does, there’s always an opportunity, and right now, those opportunities are in specialization.

How to Build an Online Presence Strategy for Your Real Estate Brand

| Marketing Strategy | 5 Min Read

How you are appear online, and the strategy you have in place to control it, is called: your online presence. In the past, this was relatively simple to control this because there weren’t too many moving parts to manage, but that has drastically changed.

Understanding Your Competition as a Real Estate Agent

| Marketing Strategy | 4 Min Read

Many different agents working in many different markets are all working towards the same goal of selling and buying properties and winning new business. But are they really competing for the exact same business each time?

How to Launch a Successful Real Estate Marketing Campaign

| Marketing Strategy | 5 Min Read

As part of your marketing strategy, you’re probably doing a lot of things to generate leads, get new business, and make more people know about you and what you do, but launching a marketing campaign is outside of that. So, what’s the difference?

Leveraging AI Marketing Automation as Part of Your Inbound Marketing Strategy

| Inbound Marketing | 5 Min Read

Because a real estate agent’s day is typically chaotic and busy, AI marketing automation can fill in a lot of the blanks for you and work behind the scenes to nurture your database at the right time, for the right reasons.

What To Do If You Have a Real Estate Lead Generation Problem

| Lead Generation | 9 Min Read

If you notice that consistently, over time, you’re seeing a drop in the number of leads you’re generating, you could have a lead generation problem. Here are some suggestions on how you can address it, and hopefully, build your incoming leads back up again.

Writing Successful Real Estate Content that Converts

| Inbound Marketing | 5 Min Read

Before you even begin writing content for your website, you should ask yourself: how do I measure the success of the content I’m producing? While most people will have different definitions of their idea of success, there are really 3 main ones to have in mind when it comes to the measuring the success of your content.

Planning a Real Estate Lead Flow Through Inbound Marketing

| Inbound Marketing | 5 Min Read

Once you get your audience to your website, how do you get them to take an action, like fill out a form or call you, so they end up in your marketing database and you can set a nurturing plan in place for them until they become clients? The answer lies in planning out your lead flow.

How (and Why) to Build a Real Estate Marketing Segmentation Strategy

| Marketing Strategy | 4 Min Read

Your marketing database is made up of different people, with different needs, and different wants, so to be effective, your email marketing strategy should take that into account; and the best way to do that is through marketing segmentation.