The Strategy of Effective Digital Touchpoints

| Inbound Marketing | 6 Min Read

There’s nothing worse than having a great conversation with a new lead or existing client, only to find out that they later chose to work with a different agent. And while there are a lot of reasons that can happen, one of the most likely ones is that they forgot that you exist because you didn’t do anything to keep in touch with them or nurture them.

Using Personalized Marketing to Get Better Engagement (and Leads)

| Marketing Strategy | 5 Min Read

In real estate marketing, it really pays off to make people feel like they’re heard and understood; and doing so effectively can help you get much better results from your marketing efforts, and eventually, turn your contacts into contracts.

Automating Your Email Marketing List Building

| Marketing Strategy | 4 Min Read

Because your email marketing database is made up of different types of people with different types of needs, often, just sending out a blanket email newsletter isn’t enough to address the specific needs people have, which is where segmenting your email marketing database comes in.

Leveraging AI Marketing Automation as Part of Your Inbound Marketing Strategy

| Inbound Marketing | 5 Min Read

Because a real estate agent’s day is typically chaotic and busy, AI marketing automation can fill in a lot of the blanks for you and work behind the scenes to nurture your database at the right time, for the right reasons.

Building Downloadable Resources Into Your Marketing Strategy

| Marketing Strategy | 4 Min Read

While there’s a lot of valuable things you can offer to get someone to give you their contact information, one of the more effective ones is by providing downloadable, useful content, that preferably that they can’t get elsewhere.

How (and Why) to Build a Real Estate Marketing Segmentation Strategy

| Marketing Strategy | 4 Min Read

Your marketing database is made up of different people, with different needs, and different wants, so to be effective, your email marketing strategy should take that into account; and the best way to do that is through marketing segmentation.

How Real Estate Agents Can Improve Their Email Marketing Open Rate

| Marketing Strategy | 5 Min Read

As a marketer, nothing stings more than spending a ton of time crafting a beautiful, informative, well-researched email, and sending it out to your database only to discover later that many of the people you’ve sent it to haven’t even opened it.

Building a Lead Generation Strategy Through Education

| Lead Generation | 4 Min Read

Agents are usually looking for a quick way to generate high-quality leads; if only it was so easy. A better way to build quality leads is by positioning yourself as an authority to your audience through educating them.

Email Marketing Best Practices for Real Estate Agents

| Marketing Strategy | 5 Min Read

If you’ve never invested time in putting together an email newsletter in the past, now is the time to do it; and if you’ve already been doing it for awhile, now is not the time to give up. Want to get started with email marketing? Here are a few best practices you should know.

How to Effectively Market Pre-Construction Properties

| Marketing Strategy | 4 Min Read

For many real estate agents, focusing their businesses on pre-construction property sales can be a lucrative niche to work in; and many agents exclusively work in, and have built big businesses in, that space.

Why You Should Never Stop Building Your Email Marketing Database

| Marketing Strategy | 3 Min Read

As a real estate agent, and a marketer, one of the goals of your marketing plan should be to build your email marketing database; and truthfully, you should never, ever stop building it.

Building an Effective Email Newsletter Strategy

| Lead Generation | 4 Min Read

Your digital newsletter should inform, inspire, and engage your subscribers. Your audience should be excited to get it in their inbox. Email marketing is still a critical component of any marketing strategy and your newsletter should have an impact on your database. Here’s how to develop an effective newsletter strategy.

Effective Marketing Ideas for Slow Summer Periods

| Marketing Strategy | 4 Min Read

Summer is notoriously slow for many businesses. People go on vacation and out-of-office replies are the norm. As a business owner, there are a few things you can do to boost your marketing efforts and head into fall with purpose and momentum. Here are a few strategies to try.

How to Create an Effective Real Estate Drip Campaign

| Marketing Strategy | 3 Min Read

If you’re like me, you’ve probably unsubscribed from a lot of mailing lists because you felt like you were being spammed. That said, when marketers get it right, they really get it right.