What To Do If You Have a Real Estate Lead Generation Problem

| Lead Generation | 9 Min Read

If you notice that consistently, over time, you’re seeing a drop in the number of leads you’re generating, you could have a lead generation problem. Here are some suggestions on how you can address it, and hopefully, build your incoming leads back up again.

How the Quality of Your CRM Affects the Quality of Your Real Estate Business

| Marketing Strategy | 5 Min Read

As a real estate agent, you must have a CRM in place to be successful. Without it, you won’t know a lot of really important information about your business or be able to put a strong marketing strategy in place.

Why You Should Never Stop Building Your Email Marketing Database

| Marketing Strategy | 3 Min Read

As a real estate agent, and a marketer, one of the goals of your marketing plan should be to build your email marketing database; and truthfully, you should never, ever stop building it.

Right Now, You Should Focus on Building Your Database

| Lead Generation | 4 Min Read

Right now, your database is the main place you should be focusing your time and energy on to set yourself up for success. In a world where there’s very little you can control, your database is one of the things you can completely control. 

Strategies and Opportunities for Agents in a Slower Market

| Marketing Strategy | 4 Min Read

If the market’s slower, what do you do? Ultimately, as an agent and a marketer, you should see this as an opportunity where you have some time to update your marketing and improve your overall processes and systems.